Grapefruit Diet For Weight Loss

The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

 The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

 The Big Picture of Permanent Weight Loss

Most people who read my articles and e-books know me as a science guy who likes to quote studies and apply research to everyday problems such as weight loss, bodybuilding, and other health/fitness related topics. However, sometimes you have to step back from the science and look at the big picture to help bring people back into focus, so they can see the forest for the trees, so to speak.
For most people reading this article, finding an effective diet that works most of the time must seem as complicated as nuclear physics. It's not, but there are a bewildering number of choices for diets out there. High fat or no fat? High carbohydrate or no carbohydrate? Low protein or high protein? To make matters worse, there are a million variations and combinations to the above diet scenarios to add to the confusion. It seems endless and causes many people to throw up their hands in frustration and give up. In this article I will attempt to change all that.

There are some broad rules, dependable guidelines, and methods for survey a diet program that will enable you to choose, for the last time, if it's the correct diet for you. You may not generally like what I need to state, and you ought to be under no deceptions this is another handy solution, "lose 100 lbs. in 20 days," guide or the like. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you are tired and tired of being befuddled, tired of taking the weight off just to return it on, and tired of considering how to find a way to choosing the correct diet for you that will bring about lasting weight loss, at that point this is the article that could change your life...

Does your diet pass "The Test"?

What is the main reason diets bomb long haul; to the exclusion of everything else? The main reason is...drum roll...a absence of long haul consistence. The numbers don't lie; most by far of individuals who shed pounds will recover it - and frequently surpass what they lost. You realized that as of now isn't that right?

However, what actions are you taking to keep away from it? Here's another rude awakening: for all intents and purposes any diet you pick which takes after the essential idea of "consuming" more calories then you devour - the very much acknowledged "calories in calories out" mantra - will make you get thinner. To some degree, they all work: Atkins-style, no carb diets, low fat high carb diets, all way of trend diets - it basically does not make a difference temporarily.

If your goal is to lose some weight quickly, then pick one and follow it. I guarantee you will lose some weight. Studies generally find any of the commercial weight loss diets will get approximately the same amount of weight off after 6 months to a year. For example, a recent study found the Atkins' Diet, Slim-Fast plan, Weight Watchers Pure Points program, and Rosemary Conley's Eat Yourself Slim diet, were all equally effective. (1)
Other studies comparing other popular diets have come to essentially the same conclusions. For example, a study that compared the Atkins diet, the Ornish diet, Weight Watchers, and The Zone Diet, found them to be essentially the same in their ability to take weight off after one year. (2)

Review what I said in regards to the main reason diets fizzle, which is an absence of consistence. The lead scientist of this current investigation expressed:

"Our trial found that adherence level as opposed to diet compose was the essential indicator of weight loss"(3)

Deciphered, it's not which diet they picked as such, but rather their capacity to really adhere to a diet that anticipated their weight loss achievement. I can simply observe the hands going up now, "yet Will, a few diets must be superior to anything others, right?" Are a few diets better then others? Totally. A few diets are healthier then others, a few diets are better at protecting slender weight, a few diets are better at stifling craving - there are numerous contrasts between diets. Notwithstanding, while the greater part of the famous diets will work for taking weight off, what is copiously certain is that holding fast to the diet is the most imperative viewpoint for keeping the weight off long haul.

What is a diet?
A diet is a short term strategy to lose weight. Long term weight loss is the result of an alteration in lifestyle. We are concerned with life long weight management, not quick fix weight loss here. I don't like the term diet, as it represents a short term attempt to lose weight vs. a change in lifestyle. Want to lose a bunch of weight quickly? Heck, I will give you the information on how to do that here and now for no charge.
For the next 90 to 120 days eat 12 scrambled egg whites, one whole grapefruit, and a gallon of water twice a a day. You will lose plenty of weight. Will it be healthy? Nope. Will the weight stay off once you are done with this diet and are then forced to go back to your "normal" way of eating? Not a chance. Will the weight you lose come from fat or will it be muscle, water, bone, and (hopefully!) some fat? The point being, there are many diets out there that are perfectly capable of getting weight off you, but when considering any eating plan designed to lose weight, you must ask yourself:
"Is this a way of eating I can follow long term?"
Which brings me to my test: I call it the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" Test. I know, it does not exactly roll off your tongue, but it gets the point across.
The lesson here is: any nutritional plan you pick to lose weight must be part of a lifestyle change you will be able to follow - in one form or another - forever. That is, if it's not a way of eating you can comply with indefinitely, even after you get to your target weight, then it's worthless.

Along these lines, numerous prevailing fashion diets you see out there are instantly wiped out, and you don't need to stress over them. The inquiry isn't whether the diet is viable for the time being, however in the event that the diet can be taken after uncertainly as a long lasting method for eating. Going from "their" method for eating back to "your" method for eating after you achieve your objective weight is a formula for calamity and the reason for the entrenched yo-yo dieting disorder. Primary concern: there are no alternate ways, there is no free lunch, and just a guarantee to a way of life change will keep the fat off long haul. I understand that is not what the vast majority need to hear, but rather it's reality, similar to it or not.

The insights don't lie: getting the weight off isn't the hardest part, keeping the weight off is! On the off chance that you investigate the numerous notable prevailing fashion/business diets out there, and you are straightforward with yourself, and apply my test above, you will discover the majority of them never again advance to you as they once did. It likewise conveys me to a case that includes extra clearness: In the event that you have diet A that will cause the most weight loss in the briefest measure of time yet is lopsided and basically difficult to take after long haul versus diet B, which will take the weight off at a slower pace, however is less demanding to take after, adjusted, healthy, and something you can consent to a seemingly endless amount of time, which is prevalent? On the off chance that diet A gets 30 lbs off you in 30 days, however by one year from now you have increased back every one of the 30 lbs, yet diet B gets 20 lbs off you in the following 3 months with another 20 lbs 3 months after that and the weight remains off before that year's over, which is the better diet?

If you don't know the answer to those questions, you have totally missed the point of this article and the lesson it's trying to teach you, and are set up for failure. Go back and read this section again...By default, diet B is superior.
Teach a man to Fish...
A well known Chinese Proverb is - Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
This expression fits perfectly with the next essential step in how to decide what eating plan you should follow to lose weight permanently. Will the diet plan you are considering teach you how to eat long term, or does it spoon-feed you information? Will the diet rely on special bars, shakes, supplements or pre-made foods they supply?
Let's do another diet A vs. diet B comparison. Diet A is going to supply you with their foods, as well as their special drink or bars to eat, and tell you exactly when to eat them. You will lose - say - 30 lbs in two months. Diet B is going to attempt to help you learn which foods you should eat, how many calories you need to eat, why you need to eat them, and generally attempt to help teach you how to eat as part of a total lifestyle change that will allow you to make informed decisions about your nutrition. Diet B causes a slow steady weight loss of 8 -10 lbs per month for the next 6 months and the weight stays off because you now know how to eat properly.

Review the Chinese axiom. The two diets will help you to get in shape. Just a single diet, be that as it may, will show you how to act naturally dependent after your experience is finished. Diet An is less demanding, no doubt, and causes quicker weight loss than diet B, and diet B takes longer and requires some reasoning and learning on your part. In any case, when diet An is finished, you are ideal back where you began and have been given no abilities to angle. Diet organizations don't influence their benefits by showing you to angle, they to profit by giving you a fish so you should depend on them uncertainly or return to them after you put on all the weight back.

Subsequently, diet B is better to allow you than succeed where different diets fizzled, with information picked up that you can apply long haul. Diet programs that endeavor to spoon sustain you a diet with no endeavor to show you how to eat without their assistance as well as depend on their shakes, bars, treats, or pre-made sustenances, is another diet you can wipe out from your rundown of decisions.

Diet plans that offer weight loss by drinking their item for a few suppers took after by a "sensible supper;" diets that enable you to eat their uncommon treats for most dinners alongside their pre-planned menu; or diets that endeavor to make them eat their bars, drink, or pre-made suppers, are of the diet An assortment secured previously. They're anything but difficult to take after yet bound for disappointment, long haul. They all come up short the "Would i be able to eat that path for whatever is left of my life?" test, unless you truly figure you can eat treats and shakes for whatever remains of your life...Bottom line here is, if the nutritious approach you use to get thinner, be it from a book, a class, a facility, or a digital book, does not show you how to eat, it's a failure for long haul weight loss and it ought to be kept away from.

The missing link for long term weight loss
We now make our way to another test to help you choose a nutrition program for long term weight loss, and it does not actually involve nutrition. The missing link for long term weight loss is exercise. Exercise is the essential component of long term weight loss. Many diet programs do not contain an exercise component, which means they are losers for long term weight loss from the very start. Any program that has its focus on weight loss but does not include a comprehensive exercise plan is like buying a car without tires, or a plane without wings. People who have successfully kept the weight off overwhelmingly have incorporated exercise into their lives, and the studies that look at people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off invariably find these people were consistent with their diet and exercise plans. (4)
I am not going to list all the benefits of regular exercise here, but regular exercise has positive effects on your metabolism, allows you to eat more calories yet still be in a calorie deficit, and can help preserve lean body mass (LBM) which is essential to your health and metabolism. The many health benefits of regular exercise are well known, so I won't bother adding them here. The bottom line here is, (a) if you have any intentions of getting the most from your goal of losing weight and (b) plan to keep it off long term, regular exercise must be an integral part of the weight loss strategy. So, you can eliminate any program, be it book, e-book, clinic, etc. that does not offer you direction and help with this essential part of long term weight loss.

Side Bar: A snappy note on work out:

Any activity is superior to no activity. In any case, similar to diet plans, not all activity is made equivalent, and numerous individuals frequently pick the wrong type of activity to expand their endeavors to get in shape. For instance, they will do high impact exercise only and disregard protection preparing. Protection preparing is a fundamental part of fat loss, as it manufactures muscle basic to your digestion, expands 24 hour vitality use, and has health benefits past high impact exercise.

The peruser will likewise note I said fat loss above not weight loss. In spite of the fact that I utilize the term 'weight loss' all through this article, I do as such simply because it is a natural term the vast majority get it. Be that as it may, the genuine concentration and objective of a legitimately set up sustenance and exercise plan ought to be on fat loss, not weight loss. An attention on getting more fit, which may incorporate a loss fundamental muscle, water, and even bone, and in addition fat, is the wrong approach. Losing the fat and keeping the immeasurably essential slender weight (LBM), is the objective, and the strategy for accomplishing that can be found in my ebook(s) on the subject, and is past the extent of this article. Main concern: the kind of activity, force of that activity, period of time doing that activity, and so forth., are basic factors here when endeavoring to lose FAT while holding (LBM).

Brain research 101 of long haul weight loss

Numerous diet programs out there don't address the mental part of why individuals neglect to be fruitful with long haul weight loss. In any case, many investigations exist that have taken a gander at simply that. In numerous regards, the mental viewpoint is the most essential for long haul weight loss, and likely the most overlooked segment.

Concentrates that think about the mental qualities of individuals who have effectively kept the weight off to individuals who have recovered the weight, see clear contrasts between these two gatherings. For instance, one investigation that took a gander at 28 fat ladies who had shed pounds yet recaptured the weight that they had lost, contrasted with 28 some time ago fat ladies who had shed pounds and kept up their weight for no less than one year and 20 ladies with a steady weight in the healthy range, found the ladies who recovered the weight:

o Had a tendency to evaluate self-worth in terms of weight and shape
o Had a lack of vigilance with regard to weight control
o had a dichotomous (black-and-white) thinking style
o Had the tendency to use eating to regulate mood.
The researchers concluded:
"The results suggest that psychological factors may provide some explanation as to why many people with obesity regain weight following successful weight loss."
This particular study was done on women, so it reflects some of the specific psychological issues women have - but make no mistake here - men also have their own psychological issues that can sabotage their long term weight loss efforts. (6)
Additional studies on men and women find psychological characteristics such as "having unrealistic weight goals, poor coping or problem-solving skills and low self-efficacy" often predict failure with long term weight loss. (7) On the other hand, psychological traits common to people who experienced successful long term weight loss include " internal motivation to lose weight, social support, better coping strategies and ability to handle life stress, self-efficacy, autonomy, assuming responsibility in life, and overall more psychological strength and stability." (8)
The main point of this section is to illustrate that psychology plays a major role in determining if people are successful with long term weight loss. If it's not addressed as part of the overall plan, it can be the factor that makes or breaks your success. This, however, is not an area most nutrition programs can adequately tackle and should not be expected to. However, the better programs do generally attempt to help with motivation, goal setting, and support. If you see yourself in the above lists from the groups that failed to maintain their weight long term, then know you will need to address those issues via counseling, support groups, etc. Don't expect any weight loss program to cover this topic adequately but do look for programs that attempt to offer support, goal setting, and resources that will keep you on track.
"There's a sucker conceived each moment"

So why not see this kind of genuine data about the substances of long haul weight loss all the more regularly? Let's be realistic here, coming clean isn't the most ideal approach to offer bars, shakes, books, supplements, and projects. For hell's sake, if by some marvel everybody who read this article really tailed it, and sent it on to a large number of other individuals who really tailed it, creators of said items could be in a bad position rapidly. Notwithstanding, they likewise know - as the man said - "there's a sucker conceived each moment," so I question they will be kept up around evening time stressing over the impacts that I, or this article, will have on their business.

So we should recap what has been realized here: the 10,000 foot view substances of perpetual weight loss and how you can take a gander at a weight loss program and choose for yourself if it's for you in light of what has been secured previously:

o Permanent weight loss is not about finding a quick fix diet, but making a commitment to life style changes that include nutrition and exercise
o Any weight loss program you choose must pass the "Can I eat that way for the rest of my life?" test,
o The weight loss program you choose should ultimately teach you how to eat and be self reliant so you can make informed long term choices about your nutrition.
o The weight loss program you choose should not leave you reliant on commercial bars, shakes, supplements, or pre-made foods, for your long term success.
o The weight loss program you choose must have an effective exercise component.
o The weight loss program you choose should attempt to help with motivation, goal setting, and support, but can't be a replacement for psychological counseling if needed.
I want to take this final section to add some additional points and clarity. For starters, the above advice is not for everyone. It's not intended for those who really have their nutrition dialed in, such as competitive bodybuilders and other athletes who benefit from fairly dramatic changes in their nutrition, such as 'off season' and 'pre-contest' and so on.
The article is also not intended for those with medical issues who may be on a specific diet to treat or manage a specific medical condition. The article is intended for the average person who wants to get off the Yo-Yo diet merry-go-round once and for all. As that's probably 99% of the population, it will cover millions of people.
People should also not be scared off by my "you have to eat this way forever" advice. This does not mean you will be dieting for the rest of your life and have nothing but starvation to look forward to. What it does mean, however, is you will have to learn to eat properly even after you reach your target weight and that way of eating should not be a huge departure from how you ate to lose the weight in the first place. Once you get to your target weight - and or your target bodyfat levels - you will go onto a maintenance phase which generally has more calories and choices of food, even the occasional treat, like a slice of pizza or whatever.
Maintenance diets are a logical extension of the diet you used to lose the weight, but they are not based on the diet you followed that put the weight on in the first place!
Regardless of which program you choose, use the above 'big picture' approach which will keep you on track for long term weight loss. See you in the gym!

(1) Truby H, et al. Randomised controlled trial of four commercial weight loss programmes in the UK: initial findings from the BBC "diet trials" BMJ 2006;332:1309-1314 (3 June),
(2) Michael D., et al, Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction. A Randomized Trial. JAMA. 2005;293:43-53.
(3) Comparison of Diets for Weight Loss and Heart Disease Risk Reduction-Reply. Michael Dansinger. JAMA. 2005;293:1590-1591.
(4) Kruger J. et al. Dietary and physical activity behaviors among adults successful at weight loss maintenance. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2006, 3:17 doi:10.1186/1479-5868-3-17
(5) Byrne S, et al. Weight maintenance and relapse in obesity: a qualitative study. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2003 Aug;27(8):955-62.
(6) Borg P, et al. Food selection and eating behaviour during weight maintenance intervention and 2-y follow-up in obese men.Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 Dec;28(12):1548-54.
(7) Byrne SM. Psychological aspects of weight maintenance and relapse in obesity. J Psychosom Res. 2002 Nov;53(5):1029-36.
(8) Elfhag K, et al. Who succeeds in maintaining weight loss? A conceptual review of factors associated with weight loss maintenance and weight regain. Obes Rev. 2005 Feb;6(1):67-85

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